The project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
The first of five thermo-modernizations was completed in the fourth quarter of 2015. It was executed under the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (operational programme under the Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area).
The scope of works under the order included the following activities:
- insulation of external walls (above ground);
- warming the flat roof;
- replacement of windows and doors;
- replacement of glazing in the building gym;
Under the contract there were also carried out the following works:
- insulation of the foundation walls;
- extension of the school building with utility room;
- modernization of the heating system;
- plumbing (storm water drainage, pumping station drainage);
- electric works (electric installation, lightning protection installation, monitoring).
The Contractor: Zakład Blacharsko Dekarski i Izolacji Termicznej Zbigniew Rudziński from Gdansk (Tinsmith and Roofer Thermal Insulation Facility of Zbigniew Rudziński, Gdansk)
The realisation period: from 23 February 2015 to 30 October 2015
The cost of works: 2.42 million PLN
Update on 24 September 2015
On September 24 a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the investment was held on school grounds.